Thursday, December 17, 2009

Who Uses the Library Meeting Rooms?

It seems like there's always something happening in the meeting rooms at the Kingstowne branch of Fairfax County Public Libraries (FCPL).

I once passed two people in suits in the smaller meeting room; the note on the schedule said it was an interview for one of the federal government's agencies.

I know a movie producer who used the meeting room at Richard Byrd Library several years ago for auditions for one of his first movie attempts. Since events at the libraries are free and open to the public, he dutifully posted a "walk-ins welcome" note on the door, and he did receive one walk-in, a lady browsing the stacks with her teens. She was almost as good as the actors who had responded to the Craig's List posting about the event.

Who else uses the libraries? I was recently shown the room request link ( click on "rules" and check the box at the end of the rules to be allowed to schedule a meeting). So, let's take a look at who used the Kingstowne branch just this week--just these five days.

Monday: Newington Civic Association
Tuesday: Girl Scout Daisy Troop 2256
Tuesday: NOVA Junior Math Club
Tuesday: Pohick Village
Wednesday: Practice Your English group
Thursday: two events are listed but I can't see the group names
Friday: Japanese Story Time (I don't think this event was put on by the FCPL staff)
Saturday: La Leche League/ Moms of Twins/Multiples

That's in one week!

I see older Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, several other homeowner associations (Aldin Hill, for one), a different La Leche group, and the Red Cross are all planning on using the room later this month.

Clearly, many different groups use the library meeting rooms.


  1. Thanks, Blanche, for showing us the wide variety of ways the community benefits by using the library meeting rooms. What happens if the hours are slashed? What public space will be available for quiet, private group gatherings? Alana Boyajian

  2. I have just hire Library room convert it into computer training room.The Saxons company provide services regarding Training Rooms Hire and conference rooms.
