Thursday, December 17, 2009

"More than books..."

This week I stopped by a few of the events taking place at my local FCPL branch (Kingstowne)to take pictures.

Monday: Story hour for young readers
Tuesday: Story hour for even younger readers (under 24 months--but so enthusiastic!)
Wednesday: English speaking group for adults

I also attended the Peer Review Writers' Group meeting Wednesday, where they politely asked me not to take their picture. However, shortly before they met, a nurse was using the smaller meeting room, with her two laptops, cell phone, and all sorts of paperwork strewn about the table. She was more than happy for me to take her picture--she said the only way she gets Internet access is through the libraries, and she depends on the libraries on days like this one, where she is routing when to visit which patient and cross-referencing written materials with online sources. She praised the libraries through the roof.

Why pictures?

I won't post them online--especially not photos with children in them. I plan to send them to the Lee District Supervisor's office, just as a reminder that the library is "more than books." To some it's the tools they need to run their own business, for others it's a way to practice English speaking skills and build self-confidence, for preschoolers it's an introduction to storytelling at its finest, and for many parents it's a free event where I know the setting will be child-friendly, educational, and positive on every level--without enrolling the child in daycare.

I'm certain the library is many things to other people. Perhaps you'd like to click on the "comment" button and share what the library is to you?

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